Site FAQ
"Frequently Asinine Questions"

So, what is the story here, why are you guys doing this?
Pick one:

  1. We are idiots with lots of time.
  2. We are bitter, unemployed people that were ripped off by unscrupulous jerks.
  3. We have a sense of obligation to the business community to expose hypocrisy, stupidity, and arrogance in the American workplace.
  4. All of the Above.

I'm going to sue you guys, cause you are making fun of me, stealing my images, and generally violating my rights!
Hey, MORON, this isn't a question, but we'll address it. I guess you haven't heard of the First Amendment or that satire is also protected.  Actually, we really don't care, because if you ARE offended, you are probably part of the problem.  Go look in a mirror and hold up a sign that says, "Idiot".  If you want to complain send it to our complaints department at

On a side note, if we ARE making fun of you, and you DO sue us, we'd love it. It will be very public, and then everyone will know its OBVIOUSLY TRUE how much of a jerk and/or moron you happen to be as a boss.  Of course, then it will be thrown out of court, and we'll have a lot more material.

I think you guys are funny, and the greatest people in the world.  How can I help?
Send us money, we'll like you then. We'll waste it on stupid stuff, but hey, that's the point, right? Or you could sue us (see previous question).  Otherwise, get a life, there is way better stuff out there.

NO, really, can I write articles and send you submissions?
Sure. Fine. Whatever.  We may use it. We may claim its ours. We may say its yours.. Or someone else's.  Look, we are a bunch of screw-ups and there is no prediction what happens to it.  If you want to help, we'd appreciate it, especially if you give us money, food, girls, booze (please no drugs, trying to cut down -editor note).  Did we mention money?  Send an email inquiring to

I'm confused. What is going on here?
Oh boy.  This is the internet, and you are on the Web.  This is our web site, where we make fun of business people that take themselves way to seriously and put themselves on a pedestal above us mere mortals.  Anything beyond this and please get up out of your chair and go watch television, it's way more productive.

Are you going to be on TV?
Someday, and maybe on COPS. BAD BOYS… BAD BOYS… Whatcha gonna do when they come for  you… etc. etc. (great show, lots of idiots,  And is never their fault!--editor note)

Are you going to be on the radio?
No way, they suck.  (If you are a DJ or work at a radio station, if you put us on the air, we'll say you don't suck.. Yeah, we ARE sellouts.)

How about magazines, etc.?
See above. Same for other print.

Your site is lame.  Why can't you get a real web site company to do this?
We ARE getting a real web site company to do this.  But something went wrong.  There was this guy that was going to do it, but he got confused, and then the check didn't get written on time, and something with the DNS, and the backup.. So we had to put this crappy site up in its place.

You have no concept of web design.  Why doesn't it have more pictures and better layout?
Dude, I'm not a designer, its not my fault.  Its supposed to look like a tabloid paper.  (Layout's fault. -Ed. note)

OH, I get it now.  So, why doesn't it look really look like a tabloid? I mean, this site sucks.
Wow, I just didn't know that.  Help us out. Please.  Send cash.

Do you have a question you would like to ask?  Would you like to understand not only about this site, but anything in the known universe?
Well, send us queries on this site, but keep those other questions to yourself (unless you pay us).  Send email questions